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Shower curtains

Shower curtains keep water in the shower and out of the rest of the bathroom making the bathroom floor less slippery. We have a wide variety of affordable, functional shower curtains so you can find one that matches your bathroom decor. Shower curtains are a relatively inexpensive way to refresh your bathroom.

Explore our bathroom range for a completely functional bathroom.

Shower curtains and shower liners

Shower curtains and shower liners serve both pretty and practical purposes, and can be used alone or together depending on the style you choose. While the material on the shower-facing side of some shower curtains is water resistant or repellent, many people choose to use a waterproof shower liner in conjunction with an outward-facing curtain for the best results.

If you live alone and privacy isn’t a concern, you can get away with simple, plastic shower curtains to keep water in and off your floors. That said, most folks like to inject a bit of their personal design preferences into the bathroom, and a stylish shower curtain can have a big impact. Many styles we offer are fully machine washable, making short work of freshening up the bathroom.

You’ll also want to consider the width and length of the curtain to ensure it provides adequate coverage for your specific shower setup.

Shower curtain rods and accessories

Once you’ve decided on your favourite shower liners and curtains, it’s time to decide how you’ll hang them and what you’ll hang them from.

Shower curtain rodsWhen shopping for shower curtain rods, you’ll want to first measure the full distance of space the rod will span to ensure you get a long enough design. Most shower curtain rods you’ll find will be one of two styles—those that are designed for permanent installation, and easily removable and adjustable tension rods. We love the flexibility that tension shower rods offer, requiring no drilling, screws or potential damage to surrounding materials. They can also be easily removed when you move, or replaced if your style changes.

Shower curtain rings and hooks

When choosing hooks for your shower curtain, consider their style and functionality. If you’ll be using a separate curtain and shower liner, opt for hooks that will make it easy to remove the curtain for washing without having to also remove the liner. All of IKEA’s shower curtain hooks are designed to slide easily across shower curtain rods so you can get in and out with ease—no curtain tugging required.